Tool BruteForcer to know Winrar password protected files and how to use them!

Often you download a zip file and when you want to open it you are surprised that it is password protected. Here you have two options either to search for the password on the site where you downloaded the file or delete it from a device and search for another file that is unprotected or attached to a password.

It is known that disassembling WinRAR's compressed files is almost impossible, especially if the password is composed of numbers, symbols, and so on. This program has high encryption power. But there is always a diligence by programmers and hackers to create tools and programs to help us overcome such problems, including the tool that we will learn today.

The tool is called "BruteForcer" which is a "client-server" program that guesses the password of the files. As its name indicates, it is a tool that relies on the attack of Brute Force, one of the most powerful attacks in the world of hack based on many of the mechanisms through which the guesswork of the board. In fact, this tool is not limited to files only. But you can use it in other fields you will need only to add files to its own.

How to use :

After downloading the tool (download link below the post) you will unzip it, and you will notice that it consists of two parts, "Client" and "Server", you enter the latter and click "BFS.exe" to open the server, and in the window that will appear you By clicking the Tools button and a new window will appear through which you choose the size of the password, with the possibility of choosing the dictionary.

You then move the file whose password is broken into the Client folder and include its name in the previous BFS.exe window. After clicking the "Radar" button as shown in the image.

Now you go to the second folder and open the program "BFC.exe" and include the addition of the program, you can also set a dictionary of passwords and you can also download it in the program site. Then click on Connect.

After successful connection to the server, the program will start the process of decrypting the password and you have to wait until the window is displayed and the password of the file, of course complex passwords will be almost impossible to find the program. But you can try it

Download link (tool may not work in some Windows systems)

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