Facebook and Microsoft finish building submarine cable with 160 terabytes per second!

The digital world giants Facebook and Microsoft completed the construction of the Marea submarine cable, which will link the United States to the continent of Europe across the Atlantic Ocean. The new submarine cable will have a huge technical capacity of up to 160 terabytes per second.

The new project, named after Marea and shared by Microsoft and Facebook, as well as the Spanish telecommunications company Telefonica through its Telixos branch, will be ready in 2018, but the main works were completed in September. This fiber optic cable can connect to the United States Through the state of Virginia continent of Europe across the state of Spain and precisely the area of Bilbao along the length of 6,600 km and a depth of 5000 meters under the Atlantic Ocean.

The new fiber-optic cable provides enormous potential, providing as much as 160 terabytes per second, as project officials will be able to operate 71 million HD video simultaneously, For Facebook and Microsoft with regard to their future projects.

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