Take advantage of a unique course of learning the "Python" programming language for free

We all know the role of the Internet in communicating information and providing access to a wide range of lessons and courses for different fields and disciplines. Of course, there are a lot of courses related to programming that we have posted links to in different distance learning platforms in different subjects in the Professional Blog. Today we also offer you a link to a free course for learning Python

Python is the future of software development. A high-level programming language, usually the best programming language for novice learning. It is a very excellent language with a promising future, and it is not among the programming languages used in artificial intelligence.

Of course, there are many other reasons that will lead you to start learning this language, first it is simple and easy to learn; second, it is very powerful where you will find it in all areas related to the computer. Third, it has a very promising future and is now adopted as a first language in a group of international and Arab universities. It has a large community and develops over time, and most importantly it is required in the labor market.

In this session, we will learn about variables, lists, how to execute the code, and a lot of things related to this language to start with. You will gain skills that can be used to move to more advanced programming cycles.

Course link

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